Are You New?

This is a crazy, messy, beautiful life that we live. In our faith community we believe that a man named Jesus meant what he said when he told his friends, “I have come so that you can have life, and have life abundantly!”

What does abundant mean? Well, we like to use the word overflowing – more than enough! The life we have because of the God-man Jesus is better than anything we’ve ever known, and we always seem to have more than enough of it.

Because we have more than enough for ourselves, we’re all about sharing with others. That means when you come to our church or encounter anyone from our community, you’ll get a taste of a new way of living. It’s God who fills us up, and we’re full to overflowing!

If you happen to walk through the doors of our church, you won’t be met with shame, guilt, or condemnation. We don’t care how you’re dressed or what candidate you voted for. Our church is made up of real people who are trying to practice the Way of Jesus together.

We believe in a new way of living, a counter cultural life that sees things as if they were upside down – as if earth should look like Heaven. We believe in this so much that we walk through the pains and joys of life together, looking ahead and walking on in the power of resurrection life.

We’d love to connect with you and learn more about your story.